Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Pleasant Walk

A few pictures of my visit home in 108 Mile Ranch while walking around the lake on a beautiful afternoon.

Your Hollow Heart

While driving back home from a night shift in the morning I noticed this tree branch had been cut leaving this interestingly shaped design. A hollow heart or a smiley face? Undecided.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Walking Through Color

Well after going to this same location twice to get the correct symmetry I still did not get it perfect and cannot correct it through photo-shop with cropping and straightening (probably because my camera position was slightly off set to the center of the picture) so this was the best that I could turn out with the pictures taken. One day I will go back and try again to get perfect symmetry of the lines and colors. It was still a very fun shoot with Christi, we both had a great time despite the cold temps and we got to explore some photographic creativity. I really love the colors of the paint on this fairly new bike shop building which is right off the main highway of 100 Mile House BC (my home town). The colors were the inspiration for these photos. Great fun!

Pink Chair

While walking around the 108 lake I noticed a chair in the distance. As I got close I was pleased to find this pink seat encrusted into the snow and ice. I decided to come back at sunset for another picture but forgot to increase the exposure compensation. It still turned out alright.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Canon Rebel

My Canon Rebel T1i came in all the way from B&H Photo in New York a few days ago. I am having a great time learning photography and my initial impressions with my first SLR have been very positive. The picture quality with my 50mm fixed lens is pretty good although sometimes difficult to focus for close up shots (a 100mm Macro would be better for portraits). The very first picture I shot with this camera is of my sister Christianne; I was immediately amazed at the sharpness and picture quality. It was definitely worth the buy!

The photographers that have inspired me over the last few months have been Chromasia (http://www.chromasia.com/iblog/about.php), Jay Maisel (http://www.jaymaisel.com/biography/), Ansel Adams (www.anseladams.com/), 10mmGalore (http://10mmgalore.com/), Minimalistics (http://www.coppercoastworkshops.com/minimalistics/), Blearyeyes (http://www.blearyeyes.org.uk/), Joe Catalino (http://accidentalcliche.blogspot.com/), and especially Ken Rockwell who has written numerous articles on how to take better pictures free for public use (http://www.kenrockwell.com/).